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A Guide To The Best Platform Trucks On The Market

Within a warehouse, the need for speed is becoming increasingly prevalent; with customers demanding convenience above all else, it is imperative for firms to be able to conduct operations at break-neck speeds. This is one of the primary reasons as to why businesses are now willing to invest large sums of money into top-tier products that can help to revolutionise the way in which they work. One such example of these is the platform truck; relatively basic in its composition, this is not a reflection on the benefits that it can bring about. The specialists here at Seltek Warehouse are more than happy to elaborate on the various different models which can be found.

Traditional Platform Trucks

The most basic of models is known as the traditional platform truck; its simple design consists of a square floor, attached to which is a raised handle for propulsion purposes. There are a number of sizes available, meaning that you can tailor your purchase to better cater to your needs. The best example of this type of unit is the 801TB Platform Truck – with a weight capacity of five hundred kilograms, you will find that you can utilise this product for a number of different exploits.

Stainless Steel Platform Trucks

Should your operations predominantly revolve around the transporting of products which are able to move freely, you may be in need of a more complex unit. It is for this reason that the stainless steel platform truck saw a spike in popularity. The unit which comes equipped with four sides, also known as the 804M (X), will enable you to whisk objects around the warehouse floor which, up until now, caused you considerable problems. No longer will you be forced to conduct numerous trips for a single range of items.

Epoxy-Coated Platform Trucks

When it comes to more polished and aesthetically pleasing types of platform trucks, it is hard to look past the epoxy-coated platform trucks as the most prominent example of these. The zinc mesh which can be found within the tubular handle ensures that there is sufficient stability when using the truck itself, whilst the polished base offers a sturdy foundation. Due to the higher quality of materials which are used to construct these models, it is unsurprising that they have an increased tolerance, in relation to maximum weight capacity. If you would like to observe an example, look no further than the 810M (X).

Long-Load Platform Trucks

This range of units is ideal for those that spend their days transporting large objects which are awkward to move. The long-load platform trucks will typically have swivel wheels attached, as this drastically improves manoeuvrability whilst out on the warehouse floor. As a case study, conjure up an image of attempting to move carpets by hand – this is an intricate job that requires careful control. As such, purchasing a long-load model like the 805P will allow for it to double-up as a carpet trolley.

Why Choose Seltek Warehouse?

When it comes to sourcing low-cost carpet trolleys, as well as other assorted pieces of equipment that can be deployed within a warehouse, you need look no further than those which are supplied by us here at Seltek Warehouse. You will be hard-pressed to find another company which can not only boast having a wealth of experience in this industry, but also incredibly low prices across their catalogue of products. 

What truly allows us to stand out as a company is the top-tier customer service which we have become synonymous with. Case-and-point, if you follow the instructions laid out on the contact page of our website, you will have the opportunity to chat through your requirements with a member of our team.